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Born in 1996, Herbs N Spices International is a company founded on three pillars: quality, commitment and reliability. It also mirrors diligence, dedication and 50 years of spices-market experience of its founder, the late Mr. R.Y Singh. With humble beginning the company today under the aegis of Mr. Girish R. Singh. has an export turnover of US $ 7,500,00.
Once valued as high as gold, herbs and spices have a history as gold as civilization itself. They have been used for ages throughout Asia, Arabic and the Mediterranean region. Specifically, Indian Spices have been a subject of delight for culinary experts from all over the globe.
Million are now imported globally every year . An impressive 46% of this supply comes from India. India’s spices export have shown spectacular growth at the global market within a short span.
Spices share enviable Shelf –space in kitchens globally and excitement to every meal . They are integral to your meal and contribute aroma, taste, flavor, color and pungency to it.
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